Saturday, 21 June 2008

Another Chapter in my life

For a very long time I havent been happy. Today I am.

This week I have recieved the best reward that could be given to me, recieved aclaimation for it and developed a sense of relief, humility, confidence and immense pride.

I achieved something that I didnt even conceive was possible for me. Looking back over my history I have never got this side of the fence, been the achiever and not the under achiever. I am the first to put myself down when there is no need to, but also too easily lead into arrogance. Its a very werid combo! But now I feel that I can say I worked hard, I achieved and I dam well deserved!

Nothing can beat the sense of pride I feel now of myself which, and this sounds stupid will make me proud of others, and appreciate them more. I had people (ok just one person) screaming at me from the other side of the world, but I also had the respect from a lcturer (that doesnt give respect to anyone!) - and she goes and tells my boss before I had even looked - could put me in good stead for the future.

This whole process has been an immensely happy one becuase it has restored my faith in the way the world works - those who deserve will benefit in the long run. Now I still have a long way to go but this has given me the biggest confidence to go forward.

Now I could understand it if I lived like a hermit all day.... and during exams I did. But this year I havent. So it means that although I have to be careful not to take too much on I can still do things outside the usual and benefit academically.

So manage my time, plan ahead, plan in FUN and go forth and adventure.... It IS worth it!